Biometric Identity Management Team

Meet Our Team!

L-3 is proud of our Biometric Identity Management team, which includes several members who have made key contributions to the success of the US-VISIT program and to the security of our borders. Learn more about them and why they have chosen L-3.


Bill Deller was the lead database developer for the implementation of the ten-print matching system. This complex release was a significant improvement over the two-print system, and involved writing approximately 100,000 lines of code, as well as extensive testing.

“The primary reason I joined L-3 was the strength of the team they have assembled. Several people I greatly respect work for L-3 now, and they confirmed that the OBIM support team was a great one to work with. One of the most important aspects of a job for me personally is to learn something new and provide a positive benefit in return. My new role at L-3 allows me to achieve that.”

Bill Deller

Principal Database Architect


Alex Galanes designed the latest version of IDENT's Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), known as IXM 6, which provides biometric identification and verification services to DHS, other U.S. agencies and international partners. He also conceptualized the parallel search design that enabled ten-print matching alongside the legacy two-print matching system to ensure no loss of service during the migration to the new system.

“I came to L-3 to work with excellent people whom I've known for years. I've been impressed with how the L-3 management team has taken care of their employees. L-3 has empowered me to contribute to the success of this project while balancing family obligations.”

Alex Galanes

Chief Enterprise Architect

Kevin Henry created the identity manager for US-VISIT, which eliminated much of the manual intervention required for logging and distributing new information. He also designed and implemented changes to the system as it moved from two-print matching to ten-print matching.

“I came to L-3 because I was looking for new challenges. I have worked with many L-3 employees over the years. Their positive experience and the responsiveness of the management team convinced me that this was a good opportunity.”

Kevin Henry

System Architect


David Lee was the development lead for the Java-based applications of the new ten-print match system. He recently worked with international partners as one of the technical leads for the Five Country Conference's Secure Real Time Platform IOC project.

“I love L-3's company culture and mission – it's a great fit for me as I continue to grow as a professional. I have worked with a lot of talented L-3 employees during my seven-year tenure at US-VISIT, and I look forward to continuing to work with this team to provide positive value to our customers.”

David Lee

Solutions Architect


Austin Park was one of the initial developers of US-VISIT and saw its first live transaction. He led the development of the first SOA application, IXM, which transformed fragmented legacy systems to a unified system of systems that provides biometric services to DHS and other government agencies. He was a tech lead for the successful pilot of the Comprehensive Biometric Exit program and supported the smooth migration of all applications and servers to a new data center in 2011.

“I came to L-3 because I was impressed by upper management's vision on how to secure our border. I'm an engineer, so I want to apply today’s advanced technologies to improving border security. With this team and with our strong support from management, I know we can meet the challenge.”

Austin Park

Chief Engineer