NIH CIO-SP2i is a $19.5B, multiple-award GWAC, IDIQ task order (TO) contract vehicle that the National Institutes of Health Information and Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) awarded to provide governmentwide information technology (IT) hardware, software, systems and services solutions. L-3’s customers use NIH CIO-SP2i and the efficient NITACC procurement team to procure L-3 services in the following contract task areas:
- Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
- Outsourcing
- IT Operations and Maintenance
- Integration Services
- Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance (IA)
- Digital Government
- Enterprise Resource Planning
- Clinical Support, Research and Studies
- Software Development
Contract Information
Contract Number:
Sponsoring Agency:
Period of Performance
For Use By:
TO Types:
Contract Ceiling:
Contract Security Level:
State & Local Access
Contract Access Fees (CAFs)/Freq.:
National Institutes of Health Information and Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC)
December 21, 2000 to June 20, 2012
All federal agencies
T&M, FFP, CR and all variations and hybrids
Task order level only
1% of total awarded funding; payment due in full within 60 days of funding award
Yes (both)
- L-3 NIH CIO-SP2i Team
- L-3 NIH CIO-SP2i Contacts
- Labor Categories
- Labor Rates Excel File PDF File
Point of Contact
Jim ColucciNIH CIO-SP2i Program Manager
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chief Information Officer (CIO) Support
The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-106, Division E-IT Management Reform, Title LI - Responsibility for Acquisitions of IT) established the CIO position in federal agencies. For this task, NIH helps federal agency CIOs implement laws, regulations and polices that have been enacted in the last several years, including the Paperwork Reduction Act, Computer Security Act, Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 63, Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the Clinger-Cohen Act.
New CIO practices evolve as they implement these laws, regulations, and policies, such as:
- Agency Program Management
- Program Analyses (including Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analyses)
- Grants Management and Administration Application
- Market Research
- Total-Cost-of-Ownership (TOC) Studies
- Stakeholders Analyses
- A-76 Studies
- Workforce Management
- IT Organizational Development
The Outsourcing task provides IT infrastructure and services to manage Government IT resources and business functions such as:
- Program Management
- Transition Planning
- Call Center Management
- Hardware and Software Configurations
- Network Operations and Web Management
- Tools and Applications (including Application Service Provider)
- Infrastructure Networking
- Capacity Management
- Database Administration and Data Storage Management
- Backup and Recovery Services System Console Operations
- Production Control
- Mission Management
- Information Assurance (IA)
- Hardware and Software Maintenance and Leasing
- Asset Management
- IT Acquisition Management
- Technology Infusion
- Desktop Computing as a unified service
- Managed IT Services
- IT Impact Analyses
- Workflow Management
- International Standards Organization (ISO) 9000 Analyses and Implementation
- Business Processes
- Solution Leasing
IT Operations and Maintenance
This task area features IT operations support and maintenance procedures for IT systems, including
- Operations
- Software
- Networks and Hardware
- Technical Expertise
- Local Area Network (LAN)/Wide Area Network (WAN)/Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
- Telecommunications (Data, Voice, Images and Wireless)
- Help Desk/IT Assistance Hotlines
- IT Service Management
- Network, System and Asset Management
- Electronic Software Distribution and Licensing Services including license deployment, management, tracking, upgrading, etc.
- IT Maintenance and training
- Web Technology
- Client/Server Operations
- IT Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Planning
- Server Consolidation
- Office Automation Software
- Organizational Change Management
- IT Logistics
The contractor operates and maintains IT systems at current vendor-release levels or Government off-the-shelf (GOTS) applications software upgrades. IT system O&M includes all software and hardware associated with mainframe central processing units (CPUs), personal computer (PC)-client and server workstations, network-backbone, front-end processors and all networks (MILNET, NIPRNET, SIPRNET).
Integration Services
Integration services improve business practices by analyzing the process and applying IT components. System integration encompasses all activities to develop and deploy an information system (IS), such as integrating technical components, organizing components and producing documentation. IT components are engineered and integrated into the business function. System integration may use program management, technical laboratories, prototypes, pilot systems, tools and methodologies germane to business analysis and business processing reengineering. Examples of work performed in this task area are:
- Gap Analyses
- Benchmarking
- Business Process Reengineering
- Test and Evaluation Services
- Financial Analysis (Make/Buy Decisions)
- Feasibility Studies
- Trade Studies
- System Design Alternative (SDA) Studies
- Archival Analyses
Critical Infrastructure Protection and Information Assurance
Protecting critical infrastructure and agency information is evolving as the next great CIO focus area. IA comprises operations performed to protect and defend information and ISs by ensuring confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, restoration, authentication, non-repudiation, protection, detection, monitoring and event-react capabilities. Work performed in this task area includes:
- Critical Infrastructure Asset Identification
- Critical Infrastructure IA
- Risk Management (Vulnerability Assessment and Threat Identification)
- Critical Infrastructure Continuity and Contingency Planning
- Physical Infrastructure Protection
- IS Security
- IA
- Emergency Preparedness
- Training and Awareness Programs
- Exercises and Simulation
- Disaster Recovery
- Security Certification and Accreditation (C&A)
- Crypto Systems
- Record Management
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
- Electronic Messaging
- Digital Libraries
- Intelligent, Automated Data Collection and Analysis
Digital Government
This task area provides digital, electronic government services, including
- Business Intelligence (BI)
- Customer Care
- Customer Relationship Management
- Data Mining and Data Warehousing
- Decision Support/OLAP
- Electronic Commerce (EC) and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Internet, Intranet, Extranet
- Knowledge Management (KM), IT-based sharing/storing of agency team members’ knowledge
- Performance Measurement
- Personalization (IT-Enhanced Customer Interaction)
- IT-Enhanced Public Relations (PR)
- Strategic Planning
- Web Development and Support
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
ERP is an integrated set of software applications to control, monitor and coordinate key business activities across an enterprise. ERP applications generally fall into the following categories: Financials, Human Resources (HR), Supply Chain Management, Manufacturing, Projects and Front Office. Examples of the work performed in this task area are:
- Business Transformation (BT)
- IT Software Package Selection (PS)
- ERP Package Implementation
- Supply Chain Package Implementation
- Streamlined Package Implementation
- ERP IT Infrastructure
- ERP End-User Training
- Networking Planning
- ERP Installation and Tuning
- Capacity Planning and Performance Load Testing
Clinical Support, Research and Studies
This task area supports operation and maintenance of IT systems, equipment, hardware, software, processes, and procedures that support government clinical and research activities. The objective is to directly support researchers and clinicians by performing health care systems studies and providing operational, technical and maintenance services for systems, subsystems and equipment that interface with and extend information systems. This task area supports intramural researchers (computational bio-science, etc.)
Software Development
This task area addresses customized software applications, database applications and other solutions not available in off-the-shelf modular software applications. Examples include:
- Administrative and General Decision Support Software
- Program Evaluation Software
- Clinical Protocol and Quality Assurance (QA) Decision Support Software
- Geographical IS (GIS)-Enhanced Planning and Program Evaluation Software
- Patient Education Multimedia Software
- Staff Education Multimedia Software
- SEI/Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Analyses and Impementation